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Which Advanced iOS Book Would You Prefer?

We're thinking of making some new books for advanced iOS developers. Which would you prefer?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1064-which-advanced-ios-book-would-you-prefer

Question: Swift 3 or Swift 2 books?

It will be at least swift 3 and we’ll keep up with any newer versions!

Reactive programming, design patterns, and app architecture all sound very useful, and I’d buy each of those. A little off topic, are you guys thinking about doing any books for Android?

“Advanced iOS Games by Tutorials” and “iOS App Architecture”

And which iOS (Swift) advance book is already available? Thanks for info

“iOS App Architecture” sounds awesome, but all the books would be great ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for voting everyone! Really happy with the response so far, this will be super helpful.

@vargas Yes we are actually! :]

@libor You can see our current books here: https://www.raywenderlich.com/store

Thanks for the question, I miss the “chose the next topic” polls :sweat_smile:

For now, I cast my vote only on Advanced iOS Games, because it seems targeting something that awfully lacks tutorials: GameplayKit.
Especially with the new state machine, AI, pathfinding, etc, and the new tilemapping with procedurally generated maps (GKNoise is based off Perlin Noise?), as well subdivision deformation, which would finally make creating a game like LocoRoco a much easier task.

If you decide to make the Advanced iOS Games, one of my biggest request would be some math algorithms, such as for doing a Bullet Hell shooter (I’m working on one, and spending a month+ writing all the math libraries is tiresome), also maybe some good practice advices on handling lots of objects on-screen and off-screen (like hundreds of bullets with collision).

Also would be good to somehow share a place where we can have some pre-made particles and/or shaders. It takes time to get a good one (I’m planning t release a collection on GitHub when I’m done, it contains rain effects, snow, fireflies, lava, falling leaves, dust, etc … just lacking electric effects :sweat:)


Algorithms in Swift would be the most probable buy for me if it contains Computer Vision algorithms (face detection, real time OCR, superpixels segmentation, etc) or machine learning (currently mostly Matlab or OpenCV only) … My opinion is that these would be more interesting than search and sort algorithms that are somehow already available.

I would get Design Patterns in Swift and iOS App Architecture if they have some real life examples coupled with pros/cons especially when working with larger teams (would probably buy those anyway even if they didn’t, but would love to have more concrete advices).


The only one I probably won’t get/want is the RxSwift one, as I really dislike external frameworks in a production project, especially that we’d have to spend more time learning it (and hoping it’s maintained for new releases), rather than learning the language and Cocoa libraries.
And my biggest complain about it is the naming conventions (like the “onError”, “onSomething”), feels much more like Java rather than an Apple system … But that probably would be less annoying for newcomers rather than people like me who worked with Cocoa for a decade or more.

Looking forward to getting the new books.

Uhmm what about ALL of them? They all look really interesting

In my case, I would like:

  • iOS App Architecture
  • Design Patterns in Swift
  • Advanced LLDB Debugging & Reverse Engineering
  • Advanced iOS Games by Tutorials:
    In that order :slight_smile:
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TLDR: All of them.

The most practical would be iOS App Architecture. The most fun would be Advanced iOS Games. The best to geek out on would be Advanced LLDB Debugging & Reverse Engineering.

  1. iOS App Architecture
  2. Design Patterns in Swift
  3. RxSwift

I’m a application developer, so in my case these three books are most helpful to me for now.

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To be honest, I am interested in all of them:smiley:

Advanced iOS Games by Tutorials: A game which combines 2D and 3D.

Example: background tiles in SpriteKit with objects/characters in SceneKit. Previous tutorials have done this by including a 2D SpriteKit hud or transition screen into SceneKit, keen for more advanced 2D/3D integration. Thanks

i really want all of them. And more interested in Games Tutorials.

All really good and interesting topics. If I have to choose, this would be the order. Most wanted to least wanted.

  1. Reactive Programming with RxSwift.
  2. iOS App Architecture.
  3. Design Patterns in Swift.
  4. Advanced LLDB Debugging & Reverse Engineering.
  5. Algorithms in Swift.
  6. Advanced iOS Games by Tutorials.

I get having a book on architectures that review reactive programming but focusing on a 3rd party library in a book… guys… come on… Ray, I thought we had this talk?

Would it be possible to explore the topic of facial recognition in a tutorial or book? :slight_smile:

If you’re soliciting feedback on topics to write about, how about Test Driven Development for iOS/macOS?

Keep up the great work.