This might be extremely dumb but where can I find utility.swift? (to get the lightGrayColor)
Hi @cutenemo!
If you purchased the digital pdf, you should be able to download all the code files from the store page. If you purchased the print book, it should tell you towards the beginning of the book where to download from.
These code files will include a directory for each chapter with starter and final projects so that you can compare your code to the book’s code in case of errors.
If you are in chapter 4, Coordinate Spaces, then Utility.swift is in the starter playground 3DTransforms. Click the Navigator icon at the top right of the playground to show the included files (or press Cmd + 0).
ah! awesome and thank you so much!
This is by far the best Metal book out there. I’ve already tried a couple books (maybe the only two out there) and they weren’t good!