Kodeco Forums

Unity Games by Tutorials Blasting to the Asset Store!

We're trying something new at raywenderlich.com: we're publishing our Unity tutorials on the Unity Asset Store!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/798-unity-games-by-tutorials-blasting-to-the-asset-store

Thats a great step moving forward! I just love the tutorials & interested in the free voucher codes :smiley:

Loving the book guys, would like to try the Asset Store tutorial.

Wow, that’s a nice surprise! And it’s good to hear that Unity section keep growing! :slight_smile:

This is an awesome step forward! Good luck

this sounds awesome!!! I can’t wait to enjoy by developing some cool games :grinning:

yes yes omg give me give me XD

Another great perk from Raywenderlich.com. I LOVE FREE STUFF. :]

This is a comment :slight_smile:

I like your tutorials and I bought unity book. But if I can suggest you something, there is not enough theory in your books, and without theory, some points are not clear. I think that the theory is very important for books of high profile as yours.

Looking forward to checking it out.

Hello, this is a comment. :slight_smile:

Thats good for RW, but what about subscribers who have paid for the tutorials and the book. Does this mean that if we are only interested in Unity it won’t be worth subscribing and we should just focus of the RW modules on the Asset store; if so thats a bit disappointing. Please clarify.


Yeah, definitely interested!

Yes Please, definitely interested@

I’m interested in learning how to make Unity games for iOS. It would be great to go through hands on tutorial.

sounds great. Looking forward to it.

that’s awesome :blush:

I got the Unity book and love it. I have purchased some assets on the Asset Store because I am not so artistic and I am writing my first Unity game. Further tutorials would be great.

It’s awesome!
I’d like to get this course.