New Runtime Error in Chapter 21 (Xcode beta only?)

Hi all
I was just trying to fire up an old example project as a reference - I’m sure it used to work but now when I run chapter 21 “Image Based Lighting” I get an error in common.h

"declaration of 'uint' must be imported from module 'Darwin.POSIX.sys.types' before it is required"

Is anyone else seeing this?
I’m on a slightly weird version of Xcode so it could just be me?
I can’t run the public Xcode due to being on a beta version of OSX too
Am aware betas are unsupported, just trying to see if anyone has seen errors like this before.

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Annoyingly, uint seems to have been dropped.

Change uint to uint32_t.

Or at the top of Common.h , add typedef uint32_t uint;

I’ve added a post: Xcode 16: Errata for Metal by Tutorials 4th Edition - #2 by caroline