Flutter has released Ver: 2.10.0 too. So when will you release updates for this book? It seems completely outdated now. And we would like to see new modules too. e.g. Web module, Desktop module and etc. Please let us know the future of this book. Thanks!
+1 for updating modules. Also, if I have your eyes. Speaking as someone who is going from knowing NOTHING about flutter programming and learning exclusively through your content, I think it would be awesome if you added a third book in Dart/Flutter Apprentice series that covers how to use things like GPS, The Camera, Local Storage, Bluetooth, etc.
Notice: With the release of Flutter 3.x, certain changes need to be made to the projects. We’re still investigating this but here is what I’ve found so far:
The easiest way to update android and ios is to have Flutter recreate the folders. To do this follow these steps:
Back up the android and ios folders (just in case)
Delete the android/ios folders
From the command line in that directory, type:
flutter create --platforms=android,ios --org=<your org (like com.company.recipe_finder)> .
(notice the dot at the end for the current directory)
All the packages need to be updated (we’ll be doing this for the next edition).
The Moor package has been renamed to Drift. This will require some changes that we will work on.
I did this before I found this guide
And this type of resolving the problem with the Android version helped me to path 4th part of the book
But when I did the same things with the starter 5th part of the book(Scrollable Widgets)
I have an issue with imports, they don’t work and I don’t know what to do with it
Maybe you know how to fix it
I have this issue:
Target of URI doesn’t exist: ‘…/components/components.dart’. (Documentation) Try creating the file referenced by the URI, or Try using a URI for a file that does exist.
Do you have the date when the next edition will be?
Could I know what you mean here <your org (like com.company.recipe_finder)> .
I didn’t work anywhere what I must paste here
I think that I don’t understand because I don’t a native speaker
When I try to do a custom name like I named the project I have this issue:
The specified file cannot be found.
I think they updated imports.
In the book, it looks like this: import ‘screens/explore_screen.dart’, and this doesn’t work.
And when I refactored it like this import ‘…/…/models/screens/explore_screen.dart’; it’s work
I came to this when I saw an automatically added import with import ‘…/…/api/mock_fooderlich_service.dart’;
Could you help with the update Moor package?
I am learning Scrollable Widgets now