Rotating the skeleton position vector is easy using quaternions.
In the initialiser, set skeleton.position.y
to 4.0.
skeleton.position = [3 * sin(timer * 10), 3, 3 * cos(timer * 10)]
// look at
let lookat = float4x4(eye: skeleton.position, center: .zero, up: [0, 1, 0])
skeleton.quaternion = simd_quatf(lookat)
let quaternion = simd_quatf(
angle: Float(0.005),
axis: [0, 0, 1])
skeleton.position = quaternion.act(skeleton.position)
This will make the skeleton rotate around the centre on the z axis.
It would make viewing easier if you substitute the ground plane for a sphere. You can get an earth usdz file from and scale it down to 0.005.
Although the skeleton is rotating around the origin, the model itself doesn’t rotate to be parallel to the rotation sphere.
Add this code:
skeleton.rotation.z += 0.005
You make the skeleton’s model rotation match the radians you are rotating the position vector.
In 3d this is mathematically a bit more complex, but that’s the general principle.
General hint: if you add a small amount to one value and the skeleton goes in the wrong direction, you probably need to do the opposite
A couple of Apple goodies:
Quaternions starting at 13:56:
Using Accelerate and simd - WWDC18 - Videos - Apple Developer
The link lorenalexm posted visually shows the .act(_:)
method that I used:
Rotating a cube by transforming its vertices: