MDLAsset() not support binary model?

Hi @caroline, hope you help me

When I try to load the model with binary .ply format, mode can’t read the data (I tried debugging and checking the buffer but I didn’t see any data)
But when I change the model to ascii format then model display normally.

If you know the reason, please tell me how to fix it. Thank you

Hi @nghiaphamsg - I’ve not used .ply format. On searching, this was the first and only useful result: Load a USDZ, OBJ, STL, or PLY into a SCNNode using ModelIO · GitHub

A comment in the gist says:

// Load the file using Model IO.
// OBJ, STL, PLY, and USDZ are supported. Although binary PLY is not, so watch out.

So it looks as if it’s not supported. You could try lodging feedback or a bug with Apple.

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thank you Caroline. I sent feedback to Apple.

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