iOS 10 Feast Giveaway Winners – And Last Day For Discount!

Hey everyone,

I’ve replied to all the official winners who have claimed their prize. If you didn’t get an email from me (, please send in a message right away. I’ll be contacting our sponsors soon to distibute the prizes and will cc all of you on those emails so you know when to expect your prizes.

For those of you getting shirts, thanks for the mailing address details! I’ll email you a confirmation when I ship these out later this week. :]

For those hoping to win unclaimed prizes, I’ll be in touch with the winners by tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this event! :smiley:

Hi Christine,
I’m on the winner list ( @dougguitar ), and had sent an email to back on November 9th, but never heard back. I just re-forwarded that email, so hopefully it makes it through this time.


I will sent my underwear for an unclaimed prize :wink:

Commenting for an unclaimed prize!

Leaving a comment for an unclaimed prize.

Great Tool Collection to check out!

Even if I don’t get a unclaimed prize Kudos to for the iOS 10 feast. Well done.

Hoping for an unclaimed price…

Oooh, prizes! I love prizes, even unclaimed ones, maybe especially unclaimed ones! If I gives you this lolcat img, please I can haz unclaimed prize? No? Maybe there is a small one left in the corner, an unclaimed unclaimed prize?

Wow that’s an awesome contest. Here is to hoping an unclaimed prize comes my way. :beers:

I want an unclaimed prize! :smiley:

Unclaimed prizes are just as good as claimed prizes so I’m in!

Congrats to all the winners ! I’d love to have an unclaimed prize too :]

I would love to have unclaimed leftover prize. not sure if it’s too late tho :slight_smile: