Hello @caroline
I hope this question is allowed, as it is related to a different repo/different tutorial, but it is Metal based.
and I am using Your book, to try to understand that code.
and related youtube video about marching cubes implementation in Swift.
what I see when I execute the app is 5 spheres, which blend into objects, if the spheres interfere with each other. what I also ( hopefully ) understand is, that if certain vertices are located within BOTH spheres, then they are not rendered, so at the end only outer shell is visible.
what I however fail to understand quite desperately is… HOW the spheres itself are rendered? I know, they are centered around those red center points… but I could never find piece of code ( and its hidden somewhere in compute shaders ), which provides vertices for these spheres.I was able to get snapshot of GPU frame, find the vertices in memory, in buffer, etc… but HOW are they calculated? if you have time and would like to help me… or anyone else. if you look at the shaders.metal code… can you see, where the spheres do get their vertices? can someone give me some short explanation to this?
many many thanks