I get “Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code” when trying to compile for macOS. Everything is fine for iOS. I have tried cleaning the build, removing and reimporting the textures, and even rebooting (for good measure).
Issuing the offending command on the command line, I get:
Assertion failed: (maxCountIncludingZeroTerminator > 0 && tokenCount < maxCountIncludingZeroTerminator), function CUIRenditionKeyCopy, file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreUI/CoreUI-609.4/CoreTheme/ThemeStorage/CUIThemeRendition_Support.m, line 849
Ugh… replying to myself. It appears that changing the Texture Set Interpretation to Data from Colors causes this error. I guess this is Apple’s problem then, right?
Yes, you are probably right. Nvidia doesn’t provide a driver for Mojave or Catalina.
You should be able to get around this one by loading up the textures outside of the asset catalogue with Texturable’s loadTexture(). You might also find a couple of glitches later on in the book.
I think I remember some issues with threads when you’re setting up the compute shader, yes. Unfortunately my NVIDIA MacBook Pro appears to have died this morning, so I can’t check it.
If you take the textures out of the asset catalog and just have them in a folder, and change the .mtl files so that the maps have .png on the end, then that will work too.
I opened a ‘code level support’ ticket with Apple, I am hoping to find some magic here. Asset Catalogs should not have broken in 10.15. I imagine they have them patched in next beta.
I’m seeing this issue as well on a 2018 MBP on macOS 10.15.4 (19E287). It did however work a couple of days ago so I suspect a recent OS update or something.
Looking in the update history I haven’t updated Xcode since I got this issue, there is however, two Mac OS 10.15.4 updates - the last one being a supplemental one. Apparently the latest OS updates have caused a lot of problems for people (Nasty macOS flaw is bricking MacBooks: Don't install this update | Hacker News).
Hey all, just wanted to report that I recently got the update to Xcode which v11.4.1. It appears that whatever was causing the Asset Catalogs to error was mended.
Can anyone else confirm that that working with 10.15 and Xcode 11.4.1?
Once installed be sure to delete the files/folders in the following folders and restart Xcode: