Chapter 1 - LLDB RPC Server Crash - device.makeLibrary

I’m starting on the Metal by Tutorials - and stuck on the first chapter. The code in the playground causes the message: LLDB RPC Server has crashed when the device.makeLibrary function is called.

Seems to be an issue with Xcode 16.1.

The provided playgrounds work no problem. However, if I create a playground from scratch in Xcode 16.1 - I can’t get it to work.

Is Xcode 16.1 supported?

I’m not sure what to suggest. It worked when I went through immediately after WWDC on Xcode 16.0.

I’m using Xcode 16.2 beta and it crashes.

There seems to be a long history of this happening:

Playgrounds also have a long history of bad things happening.

Perhaps for the time being, you could load the playground that works, delete the code and go through the chapter using that playground?

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Within the Xcode 16 playgrounds, the contents.xcplayground looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<playground version='7.0' target-platform='macos' swift-version='6' buildActiveScheme='true' importAppTypes='true'/>

When I remove the swift-version attribute it works.


Excellent find. Thank you for reporting back.

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thanks for much for reporting this. I was wracking my brain on this issue. I changed to swift-version=‘5’ and also worked.