Your Second iOS and SwiftUI App · Challenge: Extract Subview |

This is insanely difficult for a beginner :joy:. I have no idea how I was meant to complete this challenge. I got as far as making a new RowView.swift file and then I had no idea how or what I was meant to extract the subview from.


Thanks for the feedback!


I don’t think this course is in the right place on the learning path, I am so frustrated with every video, every concept and every challenge.

There were no prior explanation or introductions to the topic and you go through them very fast. all I am doing is just type along with Jessy who really is amazing tutor but I am missing all the dots.

I thought I just should keep watching and things will get clear until I came across this extract subview challenge which made me certain this is all wrong.
Jessy expecting me to solve this while it is the first time I hear about it no prior introduction to what is that and how this gonna solve the problem, really nothing.
even watching the solution doesn’t make any sense or clear things up.

I really don’t know what I am suppose to do now? keep watching or just look for something else, are you gonna take every point and digest it later one by one? or is this how I am suppose to learn and I am not cut for iOS development.

Please don’t take this as a critique I am just screaming for help

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Thank you very much for your helpful feedback!

As much as I love SwiftUI, in its current early state, I don’t think it’s as easy for beginners to learn as UIKit, past the very basics. So my recommendation to you would be to continue on to Beginning Table Views, and see if you have better luck there. Also, some students might find it easier to first learn more about Swift itself, before using it to build an app like this. Coming back to this course again after going through Programming in Swift: Functions and Types, you should find it more manageable.

How was the flow of Your First iOS and SwiftUI App, Your First iOS and UIKit App, and Programming in Swift: Fundamentals for you? Hearing a comparison of that, to the next three courses, would be extremely useful for planning the pace of 2020’s learning path.

As for this video in particular, my thinking was that, after creating all of the view modifiers in Your First iOS and SwiftUI App, students would be ready for extracting a subview. (I think a view itself is a slightly less complex idea than a view modifier.) But I was wrong on that! We’ll need to make that transition smoother in the next course update.

I do not understand what you doing and why we need this, this is the worst tutorial so far at this site…

Hi all,

I started this course before but felt frustrated as well. A couple of recommendations that worked for me:

  • Don’t do this course just yet. Do the “Beginning table views”, “Programming with Swift: Functions and types” and “Your first iOS and SwiftUI App”. Even though is still not straight forward, a lot of the things presented here will make a lot more sense.
  • Watch the SwiftUI videos from the WWDC2019: “Introducing SwiftUI” and “SwiftUI Essentials”.

I do agree a few things here don’t make much sense for beginners but hope these steps will help.

Good luck!

Jessy says: “If you were able to get through the challenge in the last part, you should have everything you need.” I disagree — this challenge contains completely new information. We have no idea (yet) why we would extract a subview or how to do so. How would we possibly be able to complete this challenge with the information we have already? I’d guess that 0% of people would be able to complete the challenge without watching the solution first.

I’m sorry I frustrated you. In my previous response, I mentioned where I thought the background information would have come from, but again, I know now from feedback that it’s too much of a leap.

Ah, I see that now — thanks Jessy! For me personally, these videos could use a little bit more “why” beyond the “what” instruction. For example, in this video I’m curious about:

— What caused you to think that this table row was getting complex enough to need its own view?
— When I might want to keep elements in a view versus extracting them into their own view?
— Why breaking these items out into their own subviews requires re-establishing the variable within the subview
— How and why binding fits into all of this (even if it’s a refresher from other courses or previous videos).

Thanks for your reply. Overall these tutorials have been great, but I hit a wall on this video in particular. I thought that the “Programming in Swift: Fundamentals” course was helpful in that the pace was very slow and the concepts were reiterated a few times per video. For a newbie, that was my ideal pace!


Agree. This was literally the second tutorial I’d done here. I’d never seen Extract Subview and didn’t know what it meant or did, but it seemed like I should have known based on what Jessy was saying. I tried to poke around online, but didn’t figure it out. Then when Jessy started using it within ContentView I was confused because I thought we were to create a new file first…

I wonder if the whole Editing part could be done later in the path.

Anyway, overall good and now I know to look at the discussion in a case like this.

(EDIT: Oops I see that ryannae explained this better and Jessy’s already responded. Sorry to pile on.)

Hi! I am so frustrated as I just followed your step to extract subview and then change the name to RowView. However it kept tolding me that ‘Invalid redeclaration of ‘RowView’’ and ‘Cannot invoke ‘RowView’ with no arguments’. How should I fix it? Thank you so much!

Upload your project and I’ll have a look!

@syavah Thank you for your feedback - much appreciated! Please let us know what you don’t understand exactly when you get a chance.

@clam420 Do you still have issues with this?

no, I find it difficult as well. To be honest I only purchased this because of the clean instructions and flow of the first app tutorial. But this one is a disappointment.