This video will introduce you to the topics covered in the course and how they will improve your Xcode proficiency.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This video will introduce you to the topics covered in the course and how they will improve your Xcode proficiency.
The video wont come up
@delmarsh - thanks for letting us know. This should have been fixed. Please let us know if you’re still having problems.
Thank you, Caroline for this course.
When pausing/resuming or skipping ahead, most of the time I only get audio - video is just the “Xcode tips and tricks…” screen. I then have to move the slider back and forth until I get the actual video again.
@telstar - is it still misbehaving?
Have you logged out and back in again? Restarted Safari? Cleared caches? Restarted the computer?
Great Video ! Thanks for your work !
Thank you! Now I’m feeling I can get more efficient in my work.
This topic was automatically closed after 166 days. New replies are no longer allowed.
Please update this content :]
@donwlarson @huguesgauthier @dragoncherry Really glad you like it! Cheers! :]
@malachicode Thank you for your suggestion - much appreciated! I will forward it to the video team.
Not sure which it was but I finished all my projects and wont need to build again. However b ig suggestion for Ray. Have “Office Hours” You could make some good money and make guys like me happy that can afford personal help. You could charge 100 dollars per hour and it would have been worth it.
@delmarsh Please check out our office hours project when you get a chance:
I hope it helps!
At Video #2 we’re instructed to open the sample App, but we’ve never been instructed to download the app, or given a link to the app and it’s not part of the assets with the PDF cheat sheet. I’m guessing it’s just me because nobody else has said anything about not finding the app download. Where can I get the app?
Thank you,
Hi @audiovideoron - If you go to Video #2 and click on Download Materials, that includes the starter app.