XCode Crash - Trying To Add Image to TileSet


I have a new computer, I am in SpriteKit and when I add an image to tileSet my XCode immediately crashes, and I get this message along with all the other techno-babble an error message can give you.

error for object 0x7fb5ab3a4e00: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed

I also see this message

Method cache corrupted. This may be a message to an invalid object, or a memory error somewhere else

I have looked up and down the Internet for a solution, but nothing is working, I have cleaned the program, started over, uninstall/reinstalled XCode, what can I do when all I want to do is add images to my Tileset?

Anyone familiar with this problem?

Hi pozzible,
It is rather unfortunate that Xcode crashes and leaves you baffled with the messages that are not as helpful. Similarly, the messages would be equally baffling for us unless we can replicate the scenario that you have, so if you would be able to post some code or the project, someone could be able to offer better advice on fixing the issue.



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