Why less topics on Kotlin & Android compared to iOS & swift?

Hello World,

I was just comparing the amount of detailed courses available for both iOS and Android. To my surprise Android/Kotlin courses are not even close to iOS/Swift courses. The big things which are missing in Android/Kotlin section is:

  1. Design patterns
  2. Data Structure and Algorithms
  3. ARCore
  4. Memory leaks, Garbage collection and Memory profiling
  5. Machine learning in Android using tensorflow lite or any other framework

Hope these topics will be considered.

Hi @sagarsuri

I’ve visited this website for many years, if I’m not wrong the main focus of this website always have been iOS development and technologies that will help you to improve or complement your iOS development


But through the pass of years this website have been evolving in design, user experience and content like the new branches of Android & Kotlin, Unity and Server Side Swift tutorials


Suggest your topics to the raywenderlich team so they can consider those for a future book or tutorial

hope it helps

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Hi @sagarsuri and @jecht83. Thanks for the questions and tips. We have some book and video course content we’re working on this year that cover some of the topics you mentioned, and we do have some existing screencasts and tutorials that discuss ARCore and machine learning with ML Kit. We’re always working on new content and will take your suggestions and make sure we have plans for covering them.

As @jecht83 mentioned, the iOS team had a bit of a head start on our Android team, but our Android team is growing in size all the time and we hope to match the volume of iOS content in the near future.

Thanks again!

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I am excited to see what the Android team is cooking for us. :wink:

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