Which course first...Android or Kotlin Apprentice?

Which course do you recommend a newbie take first? Thanks!

Hi @mmuldoon,
This seems like the Chicken/Egg problem. However in my opinion, you can take either because learning Kotlin is in itself a pleasure, where as the Android course touches on Java and Android.

I take it that you want to learn to develop for Android devices using Kotlin, so to fulfill that aim, you should strictly look at understanding/learning Java followed by the Android System and then if you want, Kotlin. Majority of the resources you will find would be using Java for Android, so it is better to get a handle on Java/Android.

Just my 2 cents



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Hi Jayant,

Thanks for your feedback… I’m not clear on what you meant by “you should strictly look at understanding/learning Java followed by the Android System” I have learned Swift and XCode by taking the courses here. Won’t I have the same experience taking the equivalent courses on Kotlin and Android Apprentice? Why Java first?


Hi @mmuldoon,



@mmuldoon The Android Apprentice is actually written in Kotlin, so you could definitely start with Kotlin Apprentice to understand the language better and then move on to Android Apprentice to build apps.

In this way, you would follow exactly the very same pattern as you did with Swift and iOS development: first go through the Swift Apprentice, which is playground oriented and platform agnostic, then cover the iOS Apprentice for app development.

I hope this helps. Thank you! :]

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Android!! It’s much in use.

I don’t quite agree. I like the best IOS courses.