Where is the macOS Dev love?

Why is the macOS section so dead and outdated?

Surely it should have equal status with iOS development? I know there are more people ‘playing’ at being an iOS dev, but for the majority of people working in the industry, macOS apps have a much higher reward vs investment than iOS apps and their perceived disposability.

Why is there such a shortage of macOS Dev stuff for those wanting to move from iOS over to desktop applications?

Hi @elphaba,
There is a lot of Mac love as many devs at the Team have wide experience. I am sure as Apple release Marzipan, there will be a lot more details and articles. However, here are a couple of articles on this site that you can read till then.




Marzipan?! Is that your funny name for Mojave?

As for those few tutorials, yes I’m aware of them, most are out of date and don’t build, in face people in the comments for them say they’re > 6mths out of date and new ones will be done ‘soon’… whenever that is.

Binding is no longer officially supported and the other stuff is old.

Considering how much love iOS and even Android gets around here, yet good macOS apps make more money and for longer, it seems that this side of the marketplace is under supported. That’s my point.

And it would be nice if the boffins here were to put as much love into macOS tutorials and interesting articles / videos / code as they do in iOS / Android.

@elphaba (Zoe)
I don’t understand why some users are not appreciative of the help that they get. The least you could do was to google specially if you do not follow whats happening in the world of Apple. I’d still give you the benefit of doubt and respond, NO - It is not a funny name for Mojave it is the new framework that Apple is working on that will allow developers to run iOS apps on Mac OSX.

You can get updates and other stuff, but the only way would be to be nice and polite and if you ask nicely.



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well I didn’t ask about running iOS apps on macOS; I wasn’t interested in that, I don’t think it’s a great idea and it wasn’t what my question was regarding.

So, terriblly sorry, but no, I didn’t know or care about the code name for this silly new tech.

I asked and was specifically talking about macOS apps, and the sparse and out of date tutorials here.

If you want to get on your high horse, you obviously don’t need my permission, but don’t answer a question that wasn’t asked and then get pissy.

Thanks, I guess you will have to wait till the articles are updated,


Notice how even Apple aren’t calling it after an Android name?

I watched the WWDC presentation, they didn’t call it ‘Marzipan’ there either. So I don’t owe you an apology for not knowing, or being concerned about this stupid name.

I agree that the docs are outdated, even the Apple own one’s. Often you see at the top of the document, “This document will not be updated anymore” and they point to a general page where you can’t find the same subject.

The same here, If the docs and tut where up to date, I did have subscribed long time ago.

So @jayantvarma, I really don’t understand your comment “I don’t understand why some users are not appreciative of the help that they get.” The Op question was legit. We are searching here, you are providing macOS tut’s and articles which are not updated. Nobody is complaining about not getting help, the articles are out of date. Swift 4.2. How difficult will it be to have the experts to get the articles updated. You feels attacked, but you attack the OP.
You point him to a couple articles, indeed, yes there are a couple, but mostly outdated.

You talk about Marzipan, why does he need to know about Marzipan, was not his question? An Marzipan article at Apple’s site has almost nothing to do with macOS development.

Waiting for articles?, yeh that helps. But I guess, that was your funny touch in your comment.

BTW, I did personally hear the name, and I like it. A mix of two sweet products.

What if I/we have had a subscription? How much worth is it, in this level of macOS articles - value for money wise? O wait, we have to wait.
Didn’t he ask for updates, was he un polite? Because there are none, so you mean that nobody asks for updated articles?

Google, results in ads, and no real stuff. I do bookmark a webpage in Pocket when I passing by finding a macos page. more luck then with google. CIMG, Omnigroup articles and other oldies ( people ), its hard to find them using google if you don’t know the name or did save the site already.

I made the mistake of developing the osx part of my application first and then iOS. There are way more iOS devices than Mac’s. Also I see now that Apple’s goal is to port iOS apps to OSX. Lets see how well they do that.

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