When is the managedContext saved in Swift 2.1? and

Hi Ray and the gang, I’ve the books and enjoy your videos, but I’ve a conceptual gap left between Swift 1 and 2 tutorials. For context, I am specifically referring to Core Data by Tutorials, Chapter 2, Section “Propogating a managed context”. In my hard copy book version (iOS8), the last step of the insertSampleData() method is to managedContext.save - to save the managed context. In the latest version of the book (thank you for making it available online), it still says - ‘At the end of this iteration, it saves the managed context property to commit these changes to disk.’ BUT there is no code for managedContext.save()! So, my question is - is the save function not necessary because the context is now continually saved after every change? I guess not, because in the wear function, managedContext.save() is called.


I agree. I have been wondering the same. Maybe this should be posted to the errata topic.
Lets say we have to add managedContext.save(), shuld this then the be inside a do-try-catch block?