What book after iOS apprentice

Hi i wanna purchase another book after finishing iOS apprentice, Really your books incomparable.

I know swift and i know iOS apprentice projects, also i know vapor …
i want go continue ios projects may be more advanced but continuous to ios apprentice projects
So what is the book so !??

Maybe you can try “Swift Apprentice” since that covers Swift more in detail? I don’t know since you do mention you know Swift whether that would be for you or not, but you can certainly check out the book on the site and see if it covers anything that you are not familiar with at this point?

I already know seift and need more advanced topics

hi @lifesound hi @fahim :wave: :smile:

I recently finished iOS Apprentice in August. I read Swift Apprentice before it.

Here are the book’s I’ve read since then, and some notable info that really stood out. It helps to check out the chapters included in each book, and the short summary about them. You can see this on each book’s store page.

iOS 10 by Tutorials

It’s a bit dated but I learned about 3D Touch, iMessage Stickers, Notification management and a great chapter on what was new in LLDebugger Xcode 8, also SiriKit, and Speech Recognization, - also how to make user searching from notification pull down work well in your app.

iOS 11 by Tutorials

Learn to Drag & Drop - these sections also taught me much about the Singleton Design Pattern. :+1:
In the Foundation chapter - I really learned about JSON Serialization deserialization and URLS - It helped me to revisit it after learning about it in iOS Apprentice.
Intro to Core Machine Learning - using a Neural network classifier type model with the Vision framework. Really neat stuff. And a final chapter that really teaches Dynamic Type. I also remember a fair amount of Localization - building upon i18 from iOS Apprentice.
This book was the most balanced in teaching on different devices. iPhone, iPad, and iPad pro.

Core Data by Tutorials

Learn/understand the Core Data stack, different ways to FetchRequest, and an intro to the FetchResultsController! that was great! also different ways to sort data. Unit testing, Memory measurement/management. Also how to have more than 1 managedObjectContext.

I’m currently reading 2D Apple Games by Tutorials. It was recommended to me, and I’m loving it so far!!!

FYI, Core Data by Tutorials’s update is available for download Sept 19, so it’s wise to hold off starting until after that date.
I also have these books on my radar, will start them after their update:
iOS Animation by Tutorials Update: Oct 10
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering Update: Oct 3


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