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We’re community of developers who enjoy learning & sharing their knowledge - and these forums are a place for us to chat and help each other!

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We wish you all the best with your iOS adventures!


Hey @rwenderlich Very excited to hear you are using Auth0.

I am building a hybrid app using a WCM called DotNetNuke as a back end. They are just implementing Auth0. I really have no clue how I am going to handle security in my App. Perhaps you would consider a tutorial on this topic? I’m sure it would be very popular.


Yeah I would love to start a web team focused on web development tutorials at some point. We’re learning so many things making the upgrades to the site - auth0, Docker, AWS Lambda, node.js, Discourse, and more… seems like some of this info would be helpful to others as well. Right now our focus is on the website upgrades and RWDevCon, but it’s definitely something we’re hoping for in the future! :]

I just signed in via my iPad to watch a few tutorials and had the worst time… I even thought your site may have been hacked… I saw that the login took me away from raywenderlich.com and to raywenderlich.auth0.com. None of my password managers (1Password or keychain) would work because the domain was not recognized. I have a very long and complex password that isn’t easy to type, so I depend on password managers. Needless to say I finally got my password entered… then was prompted for a password changed.

A little bit later I hop onto my laptop and login, and somehow after login, I’m redirected to a mailing list site. This was really starting to worry me, because that domain was different, too. I was really thinking somebody was phishing my password and account info, and now my email address. It left me very unsettled, so I wanted to contact support and ask if it was all legit. Of course, I couldn’t find any thing that resembled support and was frustrated. End the end, I went to my email account that I use for web accounts and was able to see there was an email that you were changing to a new authentication system. So, I felt a little reassured.

I understand authentication and security is difficult. I hope auth0 works out for you. It’s too bad they don’t have a way to provide authentication using your existing domain.

@joe_hocker Sorry for the confusion here! We decided to use auth0 because it offloaded a lot of work around users, passwords, security, etc. but using it opened up another can of worms - you aren’t the only one surprised to be redirected to a different domain :] Thanks for bearing with us!

Hello guys, and congrats for the new forums! However I am unable to start new threads. Is there some required action I have to perform upfront?

@i.konov I believe the forums have some rules like your account needs to be active a certain amount of time and you need to be able to read a certain amount of posts before you make new threads. Read a few posts and try again and it will probably work :]

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Hi Ray -

Is there a way to Speed Up the Video tutorials? I’d really like to play them at 1.25x - 1.5x the regular speed.


Hi @atul

There is currently no way to alter the speed of videos, no. This is however a limitation that we’re aware of, and will be addressing in the near future.


Kudos to all Raywenderlich. You are all truly amazing!

Thanks for all ideas you impart, it help me a lot.

One concern i have as I go working with my first Game App and hope to hear from you the best practice to handle this. There’s a SKSpriteNode which i named Card and would like this to be a container for other components like Description, Image and other design which a basic part of the card. My concern on this is I would like each part of the Card be dynamic where contents are extracted from JSON. Is this a best approach? or make the card static and display it on the canvas?

Looking forward to hear from the team the best way to handle this.

Thank you very much.


Hello guys…My name is Vel and I am involved in the app marketing!

Hi all,

I am so glad I discovered this site. I am embarking on a new challenge which is app development. I come from a technical background just not mobile apps.

Would it be possible to get someone to do a sticky for a “Forum Style Guide and etiquette”? I thought there was one on the old forums that was very beneficial.

It is definitely a lot easier to provide help to other users when the post is well formatted and concise.

Hello guys…Nice to be here, this community is great place to learn!

Hi, I am doing a search on the site and came across a video tutorial I would like to watch ("Video Tutorial: IOS 101 with Swift Part 5: Navigation View Controller). However when I click on the link it takes me to a dead page. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.


Hi all, I’m Lesedi and I am so happy to meet you all. I hope to get lots of benefits from this community.

Welcome to the fantastic forums. Please enjoy.

Hi everyone! My name is Thom and I am a padawan developer in swift :slight_smile:
Have a nice day and happy coding! :wink:

I am a junior CS student and have learned nothing thus far in IOS. I’ve chosen Swift and IOS as my niche area of concentration and I’ve tried other places before this but didn’t get out of it what I expected. Can I get everything I need here to begin a career is an IOS developer? I’m PRAYING this is my final destination.


When will you have the advanced swift video section updated? Still on the other sections that are updated but I will need that. FYI thank you for having this site. Also from your expert option do you think perfect or vapor is better?