VideoNotebooks – take notes while watching videos

I decided to create it because I wanted to take notes of interesting moments in Apple’s WWDC videos, but unfortunately couldn’t find any existing app that would suit my needs.

Not only you can create time-stamped notes while watching, but also tag individual notes to be able to filter those notes by tags later. For instance, you’re watching a series of videos about Core Data because you need to find out how its capabilities can help you with your current project. Create note for every moment of interest and assign appropriate tags to it, e.g. “Core Data”, “My Project”, “Tip” or “Warning”.

Later on on you can filter all notes from all notebooks (one notebook is associated with one video) by selecting appropriate tags.

Also, to keep your notebooks organized you can assign tags to them too. Continuing with WWDC videos use case, you might want to assign tags like “WWDC”, “2015”, “Frameworks”, “Developer Tools”, etc.

If you want to share your notebooks with your colleagues, you can do that by exporting notebook notes to PDF.

I hope you’ll find the app useful.

Cool idea! Taking notes while watching videos! Genius idea!

My job is - Term Paper Writing with, and I often write essays based on some documentary films… so these video notes are very useful!