Find out what's covered in our Networking With NSURLSession video tutorial series.
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Find out what's covered in our Networking With NSURLSession video tutorial series.
This series looks to be very interesting. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. Is it already posted? If not, when will it be available?
Thanks John, the Intro, Part 1 and Part 2 are available. The rest (Parts 3-5) will come out one per day over the next few days.
Thanks. I’ll poke around and try to find them. Are these subscription only videos? I guess most video tutorials are subscription only, right? I’m kind of new to the video tutorials am thinking of subscribing at least for a month to binge watch
Yeah, each series has one free video, I think, but the series as a whole is subscription only.
Just watched the first 3 videos. I’ve used some code I got on line to do my URL code, but didn’t understand all the subtleties of the code until I watched your sessions. Extremely well done. I liked the way you demonstrated various errors as well. Really helped with understanding why things need to occur in a certain order or in a certain way. Looking forward to the rest of the videos.
Awesome! So glad they were helpful. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Jerry,
In my previous project I had used NSURLConnection (with NSOperation) to perform download tasks.
I made use of the Application directory to cache my json response.
How can I achieve caching using NSURLSession ? What is the purpose of the cache policy attribute ?
You don’t have to do manual caching. The URLSessionConfiguration
object has a urlCache
property that is set to the shared URL cache by default. If you want no caching, you can set this to nil. If you want to control the amount of memory or disk space used for caching, you can create your own URLCache instance and set it on your configuration. Note that URLSessionDownloadTask
does not cache its results, by default, since the data is already being written to the disk.