Kodeco Forums

Video Tutorial: iOS App Extensions Part 1: Photo Extensions: Getting Started

Learn how to set up a Photo Extension target and use the two Photo Extension methods.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4173-ios-app-extensions/lessons/2

Thank you for an excellent tutorial on extensions. I am working on a custom keyboard in Hebrew.
I also learned a lot from your lessons on Collection Views.
May I ask how you were able to get your phone o show up so nicely on the screen?

Hi Avi.

The iPhone shows up on the screen with the help of QuickTime player.

Connect your iPhone to your Mac with the Lightning cable.
Open the Quicktime Player application on your Mac.
From the File menu, Choose New Movie Recording.
Your monitorโ€™s camera will turn on.
In the recording window that opens, Click the V icon to the right of the Record button.
Choose your iPhone as the video source and audio source.
The record window will display the iPhone screen.

you can then record the iPhone as you tap on apps on the iPhone.