Learn about the game creation tool, Unity.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/2309-video-tutorial-introduction-to-unity-part-1-introduction
Learn about the game creation tool, Unity.
I have little confidence that right here is the best place to mention the following typo I spotted on https://www.raywenderlich.com/149464/introduction-to-unity-ui-part-1 or not, but a portion of the text on this page is:
“If you want a sneak peak…”
Unless the author is enjoying some word play, peak/peek/pique can generally be found on all lists of “commonly confused words that spell checkers don’t catch.” The pour/pore/poor triad are another endless source of hilarity among copy eidtors.
Of the many ways these three can be “confused,” my favorite is along the line of how buck naked became butt naked in my lifetime, “If you take a quick look at XYZ I’m sure it will peak [instead of pique] your interest.” And no I am not a Grammar Nazi. I am retired now but worked as an electrical engineer for a while and then became a technical editor for a trade magazine for electrical engineers. Because mild-to-severe dyslexia is strongly linked to high spatial intelligence, engineers are justly famous for their bad writing. While I was known as the “Typo King” among our copy editors, and gales of laughter would usually erupt from their cubicles after I handed a piece in, for some reason, my grammar was not that bad. So after years and years of derision from copy editors, I overcame enough of my dyslexia that I could sport some of the more common things that are the specialty of copy editors. i should mention, however, that copy editing nothing to do with content. Some of the finest copy editors deliberately start at the end of an article or book and work forward, just so that there is not chance they will be distracted by the content of the article or book and can devote their full attention to copy editing. That points up the essential wrongness of the Grammar Nazi’s justification; if you can “correct” someone, you have as much admitted that you understood what they were saying. If I were running [subjunctive mood] an operation like yours, I would have a profession copy editing function implemented somehow (in house) to damp down at least three classes of errors that could possibly be mis-understood so as to cause a significant mis-communication, localisms that might be incomprehensible or misunderstood to those who speak another type of English (say American English vs British English and, as an example, what “custom” vs “bespoke” refer to in those two types of English or, say, what “billion” means), as well as overly complex constructions that might be hard for the much larger potential customer base that does not speak any type of English but can read English. And lastly, while there are words of art that are specified to different fields and which are necessary for those working in that field, there is also an entire universe of pointless jargon that those not in the know find very annoying. Now I happen to have been around since computer users actually had to finger-bone in the first few words of a bootstrap program loader, so I have actually booted a computer. And many, many times I have also felt like booting my computer out the window. Or there was the time I happened to look over the shoulder of a programmer setting up the user interface for a long forgotten computerized fleet fueling system on a data entry screen that would be used by clerks in the office in garages where fleets of vehicles (cop cars, taxis, that sort of thing) and the prompt he was cooking up for a place for said clerk to type stuff in was (and I am not making this up) “Enter alpha in field.” Normally I don’t look over peoples’ shoulder and tell them how to do their jobs, but this time I just could not resist so I asked the programmer mildly if he thought our company’s customers would understand that prompt. Falling for my trap, he sneered, “What you YOU suggest?” (At the time, my project was programming FORTH and he was programming in Pascal which might explain a lot). So I suggested, “How about ‘type letter is space.’” Of course he never spoke to me again. Later there was non-math-phobe programmer who had coded up utilities for his company’s pioneering digital oscilloscope (being able to spell that word correctly is one of my proudest accomplishments - that and vacuum) which included a demeaning function. I was ahead of the curve on this one. I called up his company and got him on the phone as asked him if by “demean” he meant that it calculated the average of a sample set and then subtracted that average from each sample, which is the software equivalent of switching an analog oscilloscope from DC to AC input. He said yes. I thanked him and, no, I did not suggest that he look up “demean” in a dictionary. That would have been rude. Today? There is a lot of confusion in the popular mind what “peruse” means, so I would find some other way to express such a thought.