In this Realm video tutorial, you'll learn how to evolve your schema migration as you release new app versions.
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In this Realm video tutorial, you'll learn how to evolve your schema migration as you release new app versions.
Hello Marin. Great tutorial.
I have a question. Let’s say that we have in our schema 1, a property called multichoice which is Bool
We have our schema 2 where we remove it
Then we re-introduce it as a String.
Supposedly a user skips the schema 2 update and goes straight to schema 3. How can we handle this case?
First of all that sounds like an extreme situation - something probably went wrong in the design process of the schema. You are losing the information about previous schemas if the user has already upgraded to your version 2 … I.e. if they have already upgraded to 2 the app will not “remember” that in 1 there was a property called “mulitchoice”, so when the user is migrating from 2 to 3 you don’t have a way to migrate values from 1 to 3
why the ‘let’ variable statusText: String, can be associated? I typed those code above into my xcode, it got an error. And it is a weird code
What error do you get?
Sorry, It works well, The error was my fault