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Video Tutorial: Intermediate Core Graphics Part 6: Conclusion

Learn when to use Core Graphics rather than the other drawing APIs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3198-intermediate-core-graphics/lessons/7

Thank you for a very nice tutorial series!

Instead of having to use Core Graphics to draw images, I like to instead use PDF assets (Single vector as scale factor) in my apps. That way you don’t have to worry about pixelated images.

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Yes, agreed - although I have found on occasion that PDF resizing of assets doesn’t go as well as it should, and I’ve had to replace with exactly sized assets.

Thanks very much Caroline - another excellent series. Some of the maths was tricky - but I find that you always lay things out very clearly. I found the pie chart and PDF printing piece particularly useful. And the conclusion was very helpful in defining where Core Graphics fits with the alternatives.

@curlypaws - I’m so glad you found it useful :smile:. There’s no avoiding the maths unfortunately, but the more maths I learn, the more I find I enjoy it :nerd:.

No doubt these are the greatest tutorials on CoreGraphics, too … like I mentioned in Beginner series :wink:
It seems to me that author really enjoy this stuff!
The structure of example app and developing it through these video series was very well organized … at least it was suitable, digestible for me :wink:
I will go through these series one more time, because these are fundamentals of drawing, which I’ve to master … so I can develop more complex stuff!
So, again … Thank You :slight_smile:

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@ilmaros - you’re right - I do enjoy the graphics and drawing side best of all :smiley:

Thank you for a tremendous course! I worked through your tutorial on AutoLayout, CALayer, and Core Graphics. I finally feel like I understand how these pieces fit together and how to organize my code to call the right methods at the right time. This also helps me understand how auto layout and stackView work under the hood! I find it very useful to take your finished apps and work through the whole story line by line!!
Today I had a big light bulb go on when you showed that we pul CALayer code in
ViewWillLayoutSubviews… since they are based on the frames of the views being calculated
but we put Core Graphics code in drawRect which gets called as the view is being rendered
Now I understand that StackViews and AutoLayout can only help position views by their frames.
Once we go underneath that and start laying out layers and core graphics we need to do the ratios ourselves:)
Avi Pogrow

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Thanks for a great series (and the basic one). I’m in the middle of converting an abandoned Objective C app prototype into Swift and so much has changed since I muddled through it way back when, and a lot of it is way simpler.

Having watched and understood all the principles, I shall now be referring to the project materials as I complete the conversion. So much easier than via Stack Overflow!

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