Kodeco Forums

Video Tutorial: Beginning watchOS Part 1: Layout I

Learn the basics of layout on the watch in this first video.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3359-beginning-watchos/lessons/2

Hey Greg, first I want to congrats for your tutorials. I am a big fan of yours. Second I have this problem with watch kit that I cannot solve it maybe you can help me and others. I just added to my iOS project the watch kit target and the project is not working anymore. There is a problem with some external libraries I am using through Cocoa Pods. The libraries are MSDynamicDrawer and the Intent kit. Do you have any idea how to solve that. Because I do not need these libraries in my watch kit, but I do not know if there is the issue. Thanks in advance.

Hi @alexz, thanks for the kind words! You should make sure the cocoapods stuff (libPods.a and such) aren’t being included in the watch target. In the build settings, you should be able to see separate iOS and watch targets, and then you can see which libraries are being included and linked in for each.

I’m not a cocoapods user and can’t help too much with specifics but I hope that helps!

Hey Greg thank you for answering. I know is not usual to place these kind of questions in a video’s comments. However you were pointing me right. I would like to point to the whole solution for people who want to develop for iWatch but in their project they are using objective C libraries which they do not need to use in their iWatch extension. First under the Watch Extension Target go to Build Settings and under User Defined set Enable_Bitcode to YES. After Swift Compiler - Code Generation delete the Objective C Brigding Header and set to NO the option Install Objective-C Compatibility Header.
That’s working fine for me. For the rest just follow Greg’s tutorials which are updated to Watch OS 2 to build awesome apps.