Find out what's covered in our Beginning SpriteKit video tutorial series.
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Find out what's covered in our Beginning SpriteKit video tutorial series.
Wait… so this video series is the same exact thing the book has?
Not exactly the same (due to time constraints), but quite similar, yes.
Is there a place to download the sprites? When I click on download materials, it is just a pdf with slides.
Each video includes a “Download Materials” button. Everything you need is included inside that zip file.
Is this tutorial now compatible with swift3? Thanks
Tammy Apple added new features to spritekit i was wondering if you could please
update this series to swift 3 and xcode 8. Thanks in advance.
Good news! This tutorial has been updated to Swift 3. =]
Hi Tammy,
I’ve just started the sprite kit video course.
I’d like to write an animation racing game using sprite kit and I’d like to
add a “Start” button. So far, it doesn’t appear that you can add buttons
to the sprite kit main.storyboard. Is there a way to add buttons or
should you use something other then buttons to trigger the start of a game
when you use sprite kit?
Can I please get someone to answer my previous question?
Hey Gary!
Sorry about that. I’ve been having issues with my notifications.
Generally, I use scenes and nodes. In this case, I’d create a main menu scene with a node that triggers a transition from my main menu scene to my game scene.
Apple actual has some good documentation on working with scenes and nodes: SpriteKit Best Practices.
Also, I’m pretty sure this is covered later in the course too.
Hope that helps! And again, sorry for the delayed response.
Thanks, Tammy. I’ll look at that link you gave me and also, I look forward to this subject being
covered later in the course.
can’t play the video. still loading. please advice.
I pay money so I can watch your tutorials. But this VIDEO WON’T FRICKING LOAD! please fix this, or I wan’t my money back.
I cant download the MyUtils file! where is it? clicking download materials only downloads the PDF of the slides used in the video. PLEASE HELP
I keep receiving an error that states:
“CGRectGetMaxY” has been replaced by property “CGRect.MaxY”, but when i click “fix” and change it, a new error will pop up:
Instance member “minY” cannot be used on type “CGRect”.
Please help!
@rachykc Do you still have issues with this?
@rachykc Please check out this forum thread when you get a chance:
I hope it helps!
@yudiwidyarto @stinna Do you still have issues with this?