VAT deduction for a company purchase


I am trying to buy the whole set of books (439 USD) in a company name in Bulgaria. Is there any way for you to charge me without VAT since my company is VAT registered in EU and this is the normal procedure?


For this sort of question it is best to use the contact form at this page:

Sorry for polluting the forum but I was eager to buy the books today :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting us at the support desk about this by email. Normally for countries with VAT, there’s a place to enter your VAT ID, but it sounds like it’s not showing up for you. :[

I’ve sent you an email response about what to do in your situation given you aren’t seeing the VAT ID.

If anyone else is having this problem, please email our support dest at so we can help you out too. :]