This is what I am trying to accomplish:
Interact with Google Sheets API, fetch the columns and parse as per my needs and provide endpoints so that both Android and iOS clients can use it (all in an attempt to standardize localization via Server Side Swift)
ThefetchLocales function is essentially just going to parse the data obtained from google sheet (which is being saved to db) and provide it as an endpoint as per desired format and I would eventually want to filter out per language for something like /locale/en
Wanted SheetController to only deal with the sheet data and now wondering if I should just have a mechanism (am not saving Language objects to db anywhere as it is pretty much the data obtained from Sheet) which does query.all() instead of Future<[Language]>
func fetchLocales(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[Language]> {
return try sheetController.getSheet(req).map(to: [Language].self) { sheet in
let decodedSheetValues = sheet.values
var data: [String: [String: Any]] = [:]
var allLanguages: [Language] = []
for language in self.languages {
var sheetData: [String: Any] = [:]
sheetData["isoCode"] = language
sheetData["data"] = []
data[language] = sheetData
for i in 1..<decodedSheetValues.count {
let languageKey = decodedSheetValues[i][0]
var allSheetData = [SheetData]()
for j in 1..<decodedSheetValues[i].count {
if data.keys.contains(languageKey) {
let sheetData = SheetData(key: decodedSheetValues[0][j],
value: decodedSheetValues[i][j],
description: decodedSheetValues[decodedSheetValues.count - 2][j],
section: decodedSheetValues[decodedSheetValues.count - 1][j])
data[languageKey]?["data"] = allSheetData
for (_, value) in data {
var languageObject = Language()
if let isoCode = value["isoCode"] as? String {
languageObject.isoCode = isoCode
if let sheetData = value["data"] as? [SheetData] { = sheetData
return allLanguages
My use case is a bit weird as all this API does is fetch data from another API and provide the same data in a different format; it needs to check if data in the goole sheet has changed, doesn’t quite make sense to save non Sheet data into the database → but this might provide with other API versioning problems to solve down the line, I guess - idk, may be