I ran the original final CatNap project from chapter 7. And It runs great!. However, (using the scene editor) I changed the RotateToAngle Action duration property from its current value of 2 to 1 and the changed it back to 2 (so the editor will detect that the file has change). And then save the Cat.sks file. Run it again and the cat tail WILL NOT animate.
I came across this problem, read this and related posts and believed the .isPaused property was the problem. However, some reported that simply changing the isPaused property didn’t get the animations playing.
Googling more generally the problem, I came across similar problems. The simplest solution does indeed setting the property too false. HOWEVER, the trick is in fact to first set the property to true then immediately to false:
scene.isPaused = true
scene.isPaused = false
alternatively, if it does not work on the scene, set it on the view:
view.isPaused = true
view.isPaused = false
calling the isPaused property on the scene will iterate through all the nodes including the reference object to the cat.