I’ve read the whole book and i loved it. Got stuck in a few parts but in general i’m happy with the content.
I just felt a little underwhelmed on the specifics for @FetchRequest so i was hoping someone can help me out with a couple of questions.
Is it possible to use it inside my MVVM class, right now i’m using the fetch request inside my view that presents let’s say “items” but i want to manage that fetch request inside my MVVM class that does the url request for those items on the backend, is there a protocol or a way to make this work more “sexy” ?
I think the way @Fetchrequest works is really amazing, simple and direct, a lot of black box but i love it. Just found a problem in my current project, i have a view that presents core data items, but i have to present different predicates so for now i’m using just several fetch requests with a different predicate for each need it “filtering” for the presentation. Is there a compound or a better practice to manage several fetch requests and also how do i compound those.
Any help or directions would be really appreciate it, thanks!