I am trying to use a global variable to determine the background color of multiple classes. So if the switch in settingsViewController is on the background color should be red if it’s off it should be blue. I am also user defaults to try to save the value of the global var.
var global = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "sx")
import UIKit
class settingsViewController: UIViewController {
var total = ""
@IBOutlet var switchy : UISwitch!
override func viewDidLoad() {
if global = 2{
view.backgroundcolor = uicolor.red
} else {
view.backgroundcolor = uicolor.blue
@IBAction func pressONorOff(){
if switchy.isOn == true {
global = String(2)
UserDefaults.standard.set("2", forKey: "sx")
} else {
global = String(1)
UserDefaults.standard.set("1", forKey: "sx")
class twoVC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
if global = 2{
view.backgroundcolor = uicolor.red
} else {
view.backgroundcolor = uicolor.blue