Marin… Any news on the update?
@peter.suwara Good question I’ll ping the book team
Hi @peter.suwara! Thank you for the question! We will not be updating the Modern Concurrency book for Swift 6 because we have shifted our focus on a producing new multi-modal courses that combine both video and text. We are actively working on a course coming out this year that covers Networking, Concurrency, and Performance Optimization. Please keep an eye out for updates.
This makes me sad.
I’ve been a long time customer and really do not appreciate this move to video and text. I much prefer books. I get the sense that once Kodeco took over the Ray Wenderlich brand the idea of supported books has slowly gone out the window. It really is a shame.
What’s the point of buying outdated books that aren’t going to be updated?
A note saying that the book is not going to receive any updates in the description of the page selling the book might help to avoid wasting time and money
I followed since the very beginning, before there were even any books. They were always my go-to as I could always find the answers to my questions. I’ve spent hundreds of dollar on their books (electronic versions) over the years and attended the first paid iOS bootcamp (which I loved) two years ago.
I recently ended my subscription when there were no timely updates to any of the books last year. I see there’s a now update to the algorithms book, which I’ve purchased, but I see no way to download a copy of the latest to the Books app. I haven’t checked but I doubt there have been so many changes to algothims and data structures for the content to be so new that it would be considered a brand-new book.
While the videos are great along side the books, I feel the focus now is on the courses. The thing is, one you’ve taken the course, what’s left for you here? I miss the gold-old days!
Yep, I miss the good old days too. I’ve effectively moved on though. I no longer expect to see any of my Ray Wenderlich / Kodeco books get updated. I’ve found a few other sites that offer excellent books with regularly updated content so I have been supporting them instead. I never really saw the benefit of mixed mode video courses as I always learn better from books.