Kodeco Forums

UIPresentationController Tutorial: Getting Started

Learn how to build custom view controller transitions and presentations with this UIPresentationController tutorial.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/915-uipresentationcontroller-tutorial-getting-started
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Very good tutorials! hope to use the new transition API in iOS 10

Thanks for this tut! I would not have figured this out in my entire life. While I found the tut very helpful, I do not understand why Apple has to make simple things so excruciatingly complex!? All this should be a simple library that animates a window for me. Pass the window object, and optionally use an animation function or use the built-in ones (…jQuery comes to mind). Instead, you need to write 2000 lines of code to make a window slide from left to right. Insane…

I remember back in the mid 90s when I was a Mac programmer. Everyone else was into Windows. I was the only loser trying to get along with the Macs. It was gruelingly difficult. Handles, and CWindows and insane number of structures to get just a simple circle up in a window. The Windows programmers were light years ahead. Most of the time they made fun of me wasting my time with a “toy” for nobody cared about the Mac. Then finally I gave it up, bought my first PC and got started with MFC. I was astonished how everything was so simple and straightforward on the PC. I remember I was angry at myself for wasting all that time trying to get some sense out of Mac programming, when MFC on Windows was virtually child’s play.

Since 2014, I think this is the 4th time I try to push myself learning iOS, but I give up after every 2-3 months for the complexity even for doing something simple is just gruesome. And I lose the interest and the courage to learn it fairly quickly. Then after a couple of months I come back and try to go at it again. Then I stop. Then I start again. And it keeps repeating.

I noticed that I started this tutorial with some amount of interest. But by the time I reached half of the tutorial, I just didn’t care any more and just simply copy/pasted the code. It’s really just too much to digest for something so simple (…not to mention memorizing all of this!)

I really envy the people who have the courage (not to mention the patience) to write code for Apple products.

You are a LIFE SAVER you have no idea. I was racking my brain over this trying to do it with raw CA transitions and I knew there HAD to be a more “Apple-y” way to do it and this nailed it.


Thank you very much for this wonderful tutorial, I have a question though, for the bottom up presentation, is there a way I could make the height of the presented view controller be determined by the position of a particular cell I clicked on? A dynamic height perse

Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial!
I have one question here:
The method : override func size(forChildContentContainer container: UIContentContainer, withParentContainerSize parentSize: CGSize) → CGSize seems serve the same purpose of override var frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView: CGRect, what is the purpose of having them both here ?

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. We will update it as soon as possible. Thank you! :]