Tutorials don't work - Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error - AudioKit / Pods_AudioKitPlaygrounds

Hello, I’m new to working with Frameworks, and I’m stuck on several tutorials. They seem to require a lot of extra setup that is not explained or included in the tutorials.

The one I’m really interested in is the AudioKit tutorial (https://www.raywenderlich.com/145770/audiokit-tutorial-getting-started), but it seems to be completely dead – the file is unusable, and discussion is closed. :confused:

That said, this question applies to some other tutorials I’ve tried.

ld: framework not found Pods_AudioKitPlaygrounds
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Where do I find Pods_AudioKitPlaygrounds? And, more importantly, how should I troubleshoot this?

I see that my project folder has Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-AudioKitPlaygrounds/ but it is missing this extra framework.

I tried converting to current Swift syntax, and this causes Xcode to crash.

I tried building a Cartfile in the project (including linking and running the appropriate scripts). When that failed, I tried building a Podfile to include the framework (also including the link & script). I’m still confused about when/whether to use Cartfile vs CocoaPods – the tutorials all seem to require some extra setup before use that is not included in the tutorial. Have I missed an installation step?

I have also searched this error and for this framework in StackOverflow, on these forums, and on the interwebs, but SO is not clear to me on what to do, and I found no info in the forum here.

Thank you.

@geekomancer I have contacted the tutorial’s author and he will get back to you soon. Could you please let me know in the meantime what other tutorials have you also actually tried and don’t work as well because of this very same and particular problem after all? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

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@shogunkaramazov Thank you very much!

To answer your question, I went back to several of the tutorials I’ve been running over the last few days, and it looks like all those with this error are from the AudioKit examples (and not from raywenderlich). My apologies for the confusion.

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