Tutorial 3 MyLocations v5.0 - "Creating an image format with an unknown type is an error"

Problem, (below), was resolved by going back to Main.storyboard and deleting, then rebuilding the contents of the Table View Section that contained the “Add Photo” label and ImageView.
Not sure what was wrong but going back through the instructions seems to have helped.
I still see the error message in the debug output but at least now the image displays correctly.
I would have liked to delete this post but couldn’t figure out how.

Original Post

In the MyLocations app, on an actual iPhone, as soon as the user taps on an image in the Photo Library, the following error is presented in the debug area:

“Creating an image format with an unknown type is an error”

…and afterwards, the Image View is resized as expected, but the image is never presented.

When I try the code provided by the tutorial, (as opposed to my own), the image is presented as expected.
I’ve used FileMerge to compare my “LocationDetailsViewController.swift” to the same file in the provided code, and they are identical.

By the way, when “taking a photo” rather than “choosing a photo from library”, the image is also not presented, but there is no error message in the debug area, (or anywhere else)

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you…


I’m glad you figured out how to solve it. It’s a good idea to keep this post here anyway, since other people may run into the same issue…