Tutorial 3: MyLocations app crashes PG 169

MyLocations.zip (109.2 KB)


Hoping someone can help me here. Im working my way through tutorial 3 in iOS Apprentice. I’ve got to page 169 where we’re asked to run the app. The app runs okay, but when I click the new ‘Locations’ tab on the first screen, the app goes to the new view controller but there isn’t any text displayed in the two labels. After the ‘run the app’ suggestion, it says if the fields are empty you need to change ‘Module’ field in the identity inspector to ‘MyLocations’…if I then do this the app crashes when you click the ‘Locations’ tab at the bottom to go to the Locations screen. The debug area says “terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException”; Xcode also then highlights (in red) the line “class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {” from the AppDelegate.swift file and gives the error “Thread 1: signal SIGABRT”? Any ideas? Any help would be hugely appreciated.


Fixed it… :grin:

I just went through the tutorial again (and again)…not sure what I did (didn’t do) but I’ve got it working now…

Thanks for your help :grinning:
