Check out the top 10 iOS conferences in 2017, including a handy flowchart to help you find the best match for you!
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Check out the top 10 iOS conferences in 2017, including a handy flowchart to help you find the best match for you!
I’m going to attend dotSwift in Paris in January. What is your opinion about it ?
see you there I think it will be quite interesting.
I have never attended but many friends did and they all said great things about it. If you are going and need some introductions let me know
Anyone from has recommendations for Canadian conferences? I heard that NSNorth wasn’t happening this year, sadly.
One that you may have missed because we have a name change, after 5 years we renamed Mdevcon to Appdevcon. The atmosphere is the same, but we now have four tracks instead of two. It’s on March 16 and 17 in Amsterdam and can be found at
I’d also recommend everyone to check out the newcomer on the scene this year: App Design & Development Conference in wonderful Barcelona. Conference is touching both iOS and Android and is exploring intersection between design & development
Or for the ones that would like to try more hands-on format (e.g. inspired by SwiftAlps), there’s the conference in Portugal: