ThemeData for RecipeApp

Hey, hope someone can help.

I’ve been working through the first section of Flutter Apprentice and created the Recipe App. I followed the instructions and created the app, everything worked fine except for the Theme. The colors on the iOS Simulator wouldn’t changed to the grey/black scheme. After I’d completed the whole app I did some digging around on the site, read the docs on ThemeData and changed the code to this…

class RecipeApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Recipe Calculator',
      theme: ThemeData(
          primaryColor: Colors.grey,
      home: MyHomePage(title: 'Recipe Calculator'),

It works, the colors have updated as expected. It seems a lot simpler and less code, but I’m wondering if there is a disadvantage to using this ‘new’ code? Have I miss something?

I’m too facing the same issue.

I was a same problem with my device (motorola one vision).
For solution, a run a flutter upgrade.

running the flutter upgrade didn’t work

@carlstep333 have you tried doing a flutter clean? If not, from your IDE’s terminal, be at the top level of your project and run flutter clean && flutter pub get. This will perform the clean and then run pub get. Then re-run.

Also, have you tried deleting the app from your simulator and then re-running it?

I was having this same issue. The solution provided by OP worked for me and so did

flutter upgrade


‘flutter clean && flutter pub get’