The people speaking on two recently new tutorials that I tried to follow were so difficult to understand that I gave up on their tutorials. I don’t want to name the speakers because I don’t want them to feel bad. I know they sincerely tried to do an excellent job. But the listening experience was frustrating. I wanted to hear about their topics, I downloaded their material, queued it up in Xcode, and started playing the tutorial but then realized I couldn’t understand what they were saying.
Some people may be more able to understand unfamiliar speech than I can, but I’m sure I’m not alone in having difficulty. In one case the speaker was a non-native English speaker who spoke too fast and accented the wrong syllables. The other was a native speaker with unusual speech habits that interfered with intelligibility. If anybody has an idea about how to improve intelligibility in the tutorials please comment. I don’t see an easy fix other than getting a different speaker, which I know is probably not possible in many cases.