Kodeco Forums

The RayWenderlich.com Thank-A-Thon!

To celebrate Thanksgiving, the team at raywenderlich.com thanks some some special tools and people from the iOS community!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/290-the-raywenderlich-com-thank-a-thon

Thank you RayWenderlich GUYs !!

I am thankful for the Ray Wenderlich teams that wrote iOS by Tutorials and How to Submit and App to Apple.

Without them I would have given up before getting my first spp on the spp store.

Thankful to Vuforia for their superb AR SDK. And for proving me right when I told others to stick with them over Metaio. Looking forward to the upcoming Vuforia Fusion release and being able to harness ARKit and AR Core without worrying about multiple implementations.

I am thankful for all the book updates when new versions of iOS come out, much appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank you RayWenderlich GUYs !!

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