I just want to say thank you to everyone that contributes on this site. I’m a 30 year old Army Vet student in college studying mobile development, and while I’m familiar with the world of computers and tinkering with them myself, I’m still new to the programming world. While the documentation for Swift is a wonderful resource to draw from, sometimes seeing a practical example of how those concepts are utilized can really help to understand how the different pieces can fit together, and when I need that example, I can usually trust that I can find one that is very detailed and up to date with current changes on this website.
I’m about halfway through the degree program, and I’m very grateful for all of the knowledge I’ve been able to glean from the different solutions that you guys display. Seeing the code and methods used really does help me understand how to implement things that I’ve never tried before more than little snippets in documentation. We’re jumping from developing enterprise applications to games in this section, so it’s another interesting challenge. Thanks again, folks!