Text changed between two versions

Im in the middle of iOS apprentice 11 and ios 12 version will release this month … so how to know what text chnaged between the two versions …the difference only … i cant read all that again …

Unfortunately, short of doing some sort of a diff between the two EPUB or PDF versions (does such a feature even exist?) I’m not sure you can see what changed between the two releases. I wrote it and I can’t tell you word for word, feature for feature, what was updated since the book is massive :slight_smile:

Apparently, you can use Calibre to compare two versions of an EPUB book. So that might be the route to go …



Thx for you care Fahim

Thank you for this find!

I for sure will be revisiting iOS Apprentice. I love this book sir!

Apple’s → What’s New in iOS ← documentation

can also be used as a general guideline to figure out the big changes to pin point what to specifically revisit.


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