TableView not visible inside Navigation Controller, which is embeded within tabbar controller

I am trying to build a tab bar controller, that has some navigation controllers embedded within. Below is a section of my storyboard:

I am just trying to hook up the screens currently. I haven’t even started the data model yet. When I run the simulator though I get the Add Team screen like this:

I can’t see my static table view cells that I use to take input from the user. You can see them in the first image though. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing maybe wrongly that it’s to do with the prepareSegue method.

Mine is like this and taken from the Checklist tutorial:

    override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
    if segue.identifier == "AddTeam" {
        let navigationController = segue.destinationViewController as! UINavigationController
        let controller = navigationController.topViewController as! TeamDetailViewController
        controller.delegate = self // set its delegate to itself

Because my navigation controller is within a tabbar is this why my TableView isn’t displayed? I did try to start by getting the topViewController of the TabBarController, but it doesn’t have this method, so I wasn’t sure how to proceed? If that is even why my Table isn’t being displayed? :confused:

If your Add Team screen is using a static table view, make sure you delete the following methods.


Hope that helps!

Otherwise if you are using dynamic cells make sure that you use the reuse cell identifier.

Thanks rcasey - that was it. Slowly getting there. @hollance’s book has been great so far

One thing I do notice is that my static cells don’t scroll. I’m collecting 6-7 bits of user info. But the bottom user input you can only see the title. Is there a limit on number of static cells or something I need to adjust manually to allow scrolling?

Call up the Attributes Inspector for your table view.
There is a “Scrolling Enabled” checkbox in there.
Is it checked?

Thank You! Picking up many things in my journey!