Moving rows around is also possible within a table view! Learn how in this challenging episode.
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Moving rows around is also possible within a table view! Learn how in this challenging episode.
Thanks for the great course.
Quick Question at 9:41 we use this:
button.tintColor = button == tappedButton
? button.customView?.tintColor
: .secondaryLabel
Is there a reason why we set the barButtonItem’s tint color to customView?.tintColor
Tried looking at the documentation for tintColor which reads:
The first nondefault tint color value in the view’s hierarchy, ascending from and starting with the view itself. If the system cannot find a nondefault color in the hierarchy, this property’s value is a system-defined color instead.
Apologies if this is too naive but I am confused how a button is setting the correct tintColor by deriving it from customView?.tintColor
. Whats truly confusing is the customView.tintColor is always nil when I hit the breakpoint. Yet the button expectedly updates and shows the Read Me TintColor.