SwiftUI · Integrating SwiftUI Views Within UIKit Projects | raywenderlich.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4001741-swiftui/lessons/34

It appears that the materials for this lesson are missing the image assets for the book images. I’ve encountered similar issues in previous lessons in which image assets were missing from the “Starter” versions but included in the “Complete” version and I’ve just copied them over before. But the image assets are missing from both versions in this lesson.

In case this someone else encounters this before RW staff fix it, you can pull the missing image assets from the “P03E02 State & Binding” tutorial materials. They are not inside the main “Assetts.xcassets” folder but instead inside a separate “Preview Content” folder.

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Hello typarks - the assets are in the preview content folder as in this example we only want these images to be used with live preview. I was doing it this way to show further emphasise you can run the preview in the live canvas and it would work, but if you build and run those images wouldn’t be shipped with the app. As you progress throughout this course these assets are placed in the XCAssets inside of the project. I can add those to the normal assets folder if students find this helpful though so good catch!

I get what you are saying, but when the video tells us to build and run and there are images in the simulator, you expect to see them. I don’t know about anyone else, but I expect problems with these courses now and that is not cool. This is still a problem 2 months after these initial posts!

@moebius the code and assets are updated for the course and a release should be out soon which covers the missing assets. I apologise you’ve encountered this issue. It was really tough to create the best course I could with so much learning and last minute changes to Betas to get the course out. Little things can often get missed and we’ll do better in the future. Thanks so much for your comments. Laurie.