I have the swift by tutorials/swift apprentice book in loot and the picture is for Swift Apprentice iOS 11/swift 4 but the download is only swift 1.2 and iOS 9.
Can I download Swift Apprentice or I have to buy again? Took a break from swift and want to do a refresher. In any case looks like the image doesn’t match up with the download in my loot:
Hi @doyle, thank you for your question! I’m not sure why this may be occurring but let’s see if we can get an answer from some who might know. @shogunkaramazov would you be able to point @doyle in the right direction?
@doyle I’ve just looked into your account and sent you an email from customer support but just following up on here too.
I can see that you purchased Swift by Tutorials back in 2014. Unfortunately, Swift by Tutorials has been discontinued. We announced in 2015 that this book would no longer be updated because we had decided at that time that it would be in the best interest of our readers and the book in the long term to rethink it from the ground-up. We wrote instead a new book, The Swift Apprentice.
This means that instead of a free update to an existing book, you would need to buy the Swift Apprentice as it’s an entirely new book.
I’m not sure why the artwork for the Swift Apprentice is appearing next to Swift by Tutorials though - I can see why this is confusing @crispy8888 could you take a look at this please?