Swift Apprentice has been completely updated for Swift 4.2 as part of our iOS 12 Launch Party!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/7535-swift-apprentice-updated-for-swift-4-2
Swift Apprentice has been completely updated for Swift 4.2 as part of our iOS 12 Launch Party!
Great update. Thank you very much.
The updated PDF (v4.0) seems to be lacking a table of content. That makes it really hard to navigate between different chapters. Any chance that it could be fixed?
Hey @aurrak: We’re working on fixing a bug that breaks the hyperlinked table of contents. Once we fix that bug, we’ll re-issue the PDFs with the hyperlinked table of contents intact. Thanks for the note!
Awesome. Will a print edition also be made available on Amazon? If so, any ETA? Thanks.
@gregoryl We’re preparing the print editions for Amazon as I type this. ETA is probably early October. Thanks!
@chrisrazeware any update on this please?
The PDF version of Swift Apprentice (v4.0.1) still doesn’t have a table of content.
Same thing with the following books that I purchased:
@chrisrazeware Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]