I am new and I want to buy an actual book which I prefer to read it on paper to use less technologies and also it will help me to highlight any important information on document.
So is there any chance to have paperbook than rely on PDF?
Kind Regards,
@young7dragon You can purchase the printed version of the book over here:
Amazon.com: Swift Apprentice: Beginning programming with Swift 4.2: 9003369893000: Tutorial Team, raywenderlich, Amer, Ehab, Gallagher, Alexis, Galloway, Matt, Ganim, Eli, Morrow, Ben, Pupaza, Cosmin, Van Impe, Steven: Books
I hope it helps! :]
So there is no latest version for Swift 5 book?
@young7dragon You can only buy the digital version of the book for now in this case:
It comes at half price during our Black Friday sale until Monday and you also get access to all future updates for free:
Please let me know if you have any other questions or issues about the whole thing. Thank you!
May 14, 2020, 10:23am
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